49 Years NO MEAT!!! The Dr Milton Mills Experience

53 Views· 05/05/22
9 Subscribers

Dr. Milton Mills is so awesome for taking the time out to let me ask him a few questions on this Saturday morning. He just finished a few days and nights of working doubles and 3rd shift! We had such a deep conversation before we even started this video, we were both in tears. I really hope to include Dr. Milton Mills in on my next project, he was very excited about it. Love this guy!

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00:00 When and why did you go vegan?
12:21 What happens when you go vegan?
14:42 Why is it important for others to go vegan?
21:16 How do you encourage others to be vegan?
23:33 What challenges did have you had and how did you overcome them?
30:02 Any Regrets?
30:28 Do you have a success story you would like to share?
39:51 Favorite Foods
41:43 How do you suggest others get started?
43:57 Favorite Quote
44:05 Is there any need to eat animals for any who has access to whole plant foods?

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